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Three years ago, at the start of this journey we decided we will help future generations take up mindful fashion.

As a brand, we love telling stories about hemp, travel, music, art,
culture and mountains. This is to
do justice with our audience.
To make sure we fulfil our mission
to help everyone look out of their 6 inch LED screens and lead an active lifestyle, what we have always loved.

This was possible only due to our countless travel scenes which let us move away from the rat-race and observe. Our repetitive trekking & hiking tours in Himalayas made us realize the value of overall wellbeing, healthy lifestyle & planetary health.


We do what we LOVE to. No really! We do nothing that is not fun. We love to travel, connect with beautiful souls and gulp in drinks with them. Just to bring their delightful organic creations right at your doorstep to add value to your life! And the best part is. We make our living within this wonderful way of life.

To us, our work is just a way of life. A pretty basic, natural and joyous way, indeed. Our fondness for Cannabis, love for nature and zeal to
save “mother earth” is beautifully oriented in earth-friendly products
of Cannabis, fashioned
for your Modern-Life.


Because, Nothing fancied us more !
Than the “humble herb”-Cannabis.
Than the idea of doing work which doesn’t feel like work,

appropriately so.


So that you don’t have to compromise,
one more time. Between vogue, ethics & planet-health. We promise to bring all three, at the crossroads. Within our “SUSTAINABLY” crafted products, for your natural self. Our mission is to instill “Mindful Consumerism” and “Conscious Living” in the hearts of coming generations. Our vision is to live and
let live mother earth !